ID :
Sat, 06/08/2013 - 09:55
Auther :

President: Arrogant Powers Wage Wars, Kill People To Their Benefit

Tehran, June 8, IRNA – Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that the arrogant powers wage wars across the world and kill millions of people for the sake of their own interests. The president made the remarks addressing the closing ceremony of the 30th Quran Competitions in Tehran on Friday. President Ahmadinejad pointed to the fact that discrimination, oppression, humiliation, militarism and massacre of humans is currently at its peak, saying that the humans and mankind have no value and respect for the arrogant powers. The president said that arrogant powers, selfish and extravagant people as well as those with prejudice and misguided ones have misused the mankind, adding, ˈThey restricted the opportunities and blocked the paths of guiding the people.ˈ/end