We, delegates of the 13th General Assembly of the Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies (OANA), gathering here in Jakarta on Desember 9-14, 2007, after having intensive discussions and deliberations on the current situations of media in Asia and the Pacific amidst the globalization and the rapid development of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT), do hereby declare our collective commitments to:
Strengthening cooperation for making the news agencies of OANA member countries to maintain the credibility as primary sources of news and information;
Promoting the voice of the Asia and the Pacific in the international for a and maintaining the unity among member news agencies in achieving the goal that Asia Pacific issues are reported by Asia Pacific reporters;
Utilizing multimedia in a convergence era to enhance the flow of information and news exchanges between, and among member news agencies;
Enhancing professionalism among media personnel, by sharing of best practices, expertise, experience and knowledge, including training, capacity building, and protection measures.
In order to achieve these objectives, we pledge to work closely with one another in implementing this declaration.

Jakarta, December 13th, 2007