Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are united by historical roots, common culture. In 25 years of independence, the two countries have become strategic partners. Today, the countries actively develop trade relations. Joint ventures are formed, Kazakhstan’s investments in Kyrgyzstan's industrial infrastructure are growing, and the banking sectors are strengthening ties too.


I would like to stress that Kyrgyzstan is pleased with Kazakhstan’s achievements. The countries are bound by centuries-old ties of friendship and cooperation. At the bilateral level and in multilateral format, our countries act as equal partners, whose positions today are close.

Kyrgyzstan has received a new impetus to expand trade and industrial relations with Kazakhstan after joining the Eurasian Economic Union. Participation in the union involves more stringent requirements for all areas of production. This means that Kyrgyzstan have an incentive for the further development and Kazakhstan’s experience could be a good example.


Now we have a single customs border, we have four freedom opportunities. It is the freedom of movement of goods, services, capital and labor resources. I think that in the future we will always be close. We will develop not only our trade and economic, but also cultural and humanitarian ties.

Kazakh and Kyrgyz people know to the best the culture of the two nations. Today, the theater actors, ballet dancers, artists and music community represent Kazakhstan. After all, culture represents the national spirit. It is not by accident that creative intellectuals often meet at concerts, exhibitions, joint premiers. Kyrgyz people are sincerely happy for the successes of the neighboring state.