ID :
Mon, 08/01/2016 - 08:37
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Cooing dove competition stimulates Thai South’s economy

NARATHIWAT, THAILAND, August 1 (TNA) - Zebra dove raisers from across Thailand and neighboring countries have joined a cooling dove competition in Narathiwat Province in the Thai Far South, expected to generate millions baht of revenues. Suppanat Sirantawineti, Deputy Secretary-General of the Southern Border Provinces Administration Center (SBPAC), presided over a ceremony to open the cooing dove competition in Narathiwat's Rueso Municipality on July 31. Sunday's event was co-organized by the local municipality and the association of cooing dove raisers in the Thai South to stimulate local economy and tourism. Over 1,200 zebra dove raisers from several Thai provinces, namely Suphan Buri, Chantaburi, Nakhon Ratchasim and Bangkok, participated in the event, together with those from fellow member countries in the ASEAN Community (AC), namely Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. As good cooing doves can fetch a high price in the market, most expensive cooing doves in the event from Songkhla and Pattani Provinces in the Thai Far South were worth two million baht each. The SBPAC deputy chief said, meanwhile, that the activity created happiness and harmony among local people and extra income in the violence-plagued Thai Deep South. (TNA)