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Fri, 01/20/2017 - 06:02
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Digital Economy To Drive Malaysia's Double-Digit Growth Aspiration - PM Najib

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 20 (Bernama) -- Digital economy is the answer to Malaysia's double-digit growth aspiration, Prime Minister Najib Razak said. "If we want double-digit growth, I believe the only sector that can bring us towards that direction is the digital sector. "We must push hard and must make a success of Digital Malaysia," he said at the National Transformation 2050 (TN50) Townhall Dialogue here, Thursday. He cited the Digital Free-Trade Zone to be launched in March this year as one of Malaysia's first step to make its mark in the digital economy. In November 2016, the Prime Minister announced that Malaysia will formulate an attractive package for the Digital Free-Trade Zone to encourage more people to join the country's e-commerce sector. He said the package would be worked out with Alibaba founder, Jack Ma, who would be coming to Malaysia to launch the Digital Free-Trade Zone in March this year. Earlier, during his opening speech, Najib reiterated the government's medium-term goal of expanding Malaysia's economy to US$2 trillion (US$1.00 = RM4.44) within the next eight years from US$1.3 trillion currently. "I also want to see Malaysia emerging as the top 20 nations in the world," he added. --BERNAMA