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Tue, 06/14/2022 - 15:14
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Iran, Venezuela to boost oil cooperation

Tehran, IRNA – Iranian Petroleum Minister Javad Owji and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro agreed on boosting cooperation in petrochemicals exports. The two sides discussed issues like fuel supply, exporting petroleum products, and catalysts. They also made decisions on the export of technical and engineering services, reconstruction and modernization of refineries, and development of oil and gas fields. President Maduro, during his Friday interview with the Iranian Spanish-language News Network Hispan TV, said that Tehran and Caracas are at the forefront of creating a new world order without US hegemony. The two presidents also attended a ceremony on Saturday to deliver the second Iranian-made oil tanker to Venezuela. The high-level delegations met on the same day too, exploring ways to deepen cooperation between the two countries. The Venezuelan president, meanwhile, visited an exhibition showcasing achievements by Iranian knowledge-based companies. Maduro was received by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei who stressed that resistance is the only way to confront US pressure. Follow us on Twitter @IrnaEnglish