ID :
Thu, 03/30/2017 - 11:37

Russian Agriculture Exports to China to Total 52 Mln Tonnes by 2028

Russia's agricultural exports to China within a long-term contract will total 1.5 million metric tonnes next year and 52 million tonnes by 2028, Agriculture Minister Alexander Tkachev said Wednesday. MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The contract was signed between the Russian-Chinese "Export Food Trade" company and China's Sino-Europe Agricultural Development firm. The deliveries are expected to be carried as part of a "new land grain corridor," with the first freight train expected to arrive in China in late April. "Next year it is planned to export about 1.5 million tonnes. The total volume of exports by 2028 will be about 52 million tonnes," Tkachev said at the contract signing ceremony. The contract covers grain and oil crops, soybeans, barley, rapeseeds, flax seeds and sunflower oil, he added. Read more: