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Wed, 04/13/2022 - 17:33

Russian Users Demand $725,000 From Netflix for Leaving Market, Law Firm Says

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The defence team for Netflix users in Russia has filed a class action lawsuit against the streaming service demanding compensation of 60 million rubles (about $725,000) for violation of their rights after the company abruptly quit the country, the press service of the law firm Chernyshev, Lukoyanov, and Partners told Sputnik. "Today, a law firm representing the interests of Netflix users has filed a class action lawsuit against the American service Netflix in the Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow. The basis for the claim was a violation of the rights of Russian users in connection with Netflix's unilateral refusal to provide services in Russia. The amount of claims at the stage of filing a claim is 60 million rubles", the press service said. Netflix suspended its operations in Russia on 7 March due to the situation around Ukraine, following a number of foreign companies leaving the Russian market. At present, the claims of about 100 plaintiffs are being processed, but the number continues to rise, the senior partner of the bureau, Konstantin Lukoyanov, said. On 24 February, Russia launched a military operation in Ukraine after the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Lugansk appealed for help in defending themselves against Ukrainian forces. In response, the US and the EU rolled out a comprehensive sanctions campaign against Moscow, which includes airspace closures and restrictive measures targeting numerous Russian officials and entities, media and financial institutions. Some foreign companies have decided to leave Russia altogether. Read more: