ID :
Wed, 10/07/2015 - 11:39
Auther :

Special working group set up to negotiate third gas pipeline to China - Gazprom CEO

ST. PETERSBURG, October 6. /TASS/. A special working group has been set up for talks on a third gas pipeline to China, CEO of Russia’s gas giant Gazprom, Alexei Miller, said on Tuesday. "A working group has been set up. It is led by Vitaly Markelov. We agreed with the Chinese partners to set up a special negotiating group. It is a different group from the one negotiating the western route," he told journalists. He said the new group was tasked to negotiate such issues as "where the pipeline from Russia’s Far East can cross the Russian-Chinese border." He said the Sakhalin-3 project was seen as a resource base for a third gas pipeline to China. "Sakhalin-3 is the resource base. Of course, Yuzhno-Kirinskoye is a main filed for both the Far East and for the Sakhalin-2 third phase and for gas exports," he said, adding that a top priority area for Gazprom was prospecting on Sakhalin’s shelf. Read more