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Wed, 01/18/2017 - 05:18
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Strong Engagements Between Malaysia And UK To Continue, Says UK Envoy

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 18 (Bernama) -- British High Commissioner to Malaysia, Vicki Treadell, gave assurance that strong engagements between the United Kingdom and Malaysia will continue amid the former's exit from the European Union (EU). In a statement here Tuesday, she said both countries would have a unique opportunity to work together across two Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in 2018 and 2020 on issues including trade and counter extremism. The UK would also work with Malaysia on security and defence, as well as developing trade and investment relationship further towards the prospect of securing a free trade agreement when the time was right, she said. Treadell stressed that the UK was an outward-looking country and would engage more globally given the opportunities that would open once the country leaves the EU. "Since the historic EU referendum in June 2016, we have seen two British Royal visits and three UK ministerial visits to Malaysia. This is not a Britain turning inward. "This is an outward-looking activist Britain taking our relationship with Malaysia to new levels in the mutual interests of our two countries," she said following the Brexit speech made by the British Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday night. Treadell said May's speech reinforced the British government's commitment to emerge from the period of change stronger and more outward-looking than ever before. "She sets out a vision where the UK will remain a reliable partner, ally and close friend of the EU. "We are therefore determined to pursue a new, positive and constructive partnership with the EU. We will do so with purpose and clarity," added Treadell. May in her speech said that the UK could not remain a member of the EU single market after leaving the bloc, but would seek an agreement to allow for the freest possible trade in goods and services. --BERNAMA