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Tue, 04/25/2017 - 20:56
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Trade Between Qatar and Russia Grew 93 Percent, Al Sada Says

Doha, April 25 (QNA) - HE Minister of Energy and Industry Dr Mohammed bin Saleh Al Sada said Tuesday that trade volume between Qatar and Russia grew 93 percent, which was a record. Speaking to the press after a meeting held by Qatar Chamber with a Russian business delegation to discuss enhancing ties between the private sectors of both countries, His Excellency said that the ambitions were much higher and confirmed that the two sides are working on enhancing bilateral cooperation to a higher level. HE the Minister of Energy and Industry praised the acquisition that the State of Qatar announced at the end of 2016 which involved the shares of Rosneft. His Excellency added that Qatar had big confidence in the Russian economy and, as a result, was looking to strengthen investment and trade ties with the Russian side. Qatar Chamber hosted a meeting with a Russian business delegation, chaired by Director of the Russian - Arab Business Council Tatyana Gvilava, to discuss enhancing economic ties and explore the available investment opportunities. The meeting also discussed holding trade partnerships between Qatari businessmen and their Russian counterparts, in the presence of HE Minister of Energy and Industry Dr Mohammed bin Saleh Al Sada and Russian Minister of Energy Alexander Novak. HE the Russia Minister of Energy Novak said that Russian companies have great interest in the Qatari market and in investing in the country and praised the recent increase in bilateral cooperation. Speaking to Qatari businessmen, Novak expressed his hope that the business community of both countries contributes in increasing trade by cooperating and preparing a plan to activate economic ties. Heading the Qatari side in the meeting, Qatar Chamber Vice Chairman Mohamed bin Twar highlighted the growing economic relations between the two countries in a number of sectors, calling on businessmen to make use of opportunities available in both countries. The Qatar Chamber Vice Chairman added that the level of trade exchange between the two countries remains well below the aspirations of the two peoples, hoping that the joint meetings will contribute to reaching Qatari-Russian trade deals especially in the fields of agriculture, petrochemicals, food security and tourism. He expressed Qatar Chamber's readiness to provide all data and information on the commercial sectors to boost cooperation between the private sectors. He also hoped that the Russian-Qatari economic forum will be an opportunity to explore ways to support bilateral trade and economic relations at all levels. The forum, he said, is held to develop business and investment for Qatari-Russian business community, adding that such meetings are capable of building constructive dialogue and cooperation between businessmen and providing a good opportunity to form a fruitful communication networking between the two sides. Qatar and Russia have increased cooperation in the energy sector as well as in other economic sectors, he noted. The Qatar Chamber Vice Chairman noted that the two countries signed an agreement to establish the Qatari-Russian Business Council in 2007, and formed the Qatari-Russian gas and energy cooperation committee in 2010, in addition to the Joint Qatar-Russian Commission on Trade, Economic and Technical Cooperation. Gazprom opened a representative office in Qatar in 2013, he said. He underlined the importance of continuing to held meetings between representatives of business sector from both sides, referring to a number of meetings that were held in Doha or in Moscow over the past years to discuss enhancing cooperation between the two countries and explore ways of establishing joint ventures. While stressing great potentials in both countries, he said this meeting with the Russian delegation is an opportunity to discuss and explore opportunities for cooperation available in the business sector for the Russian and Qatari sides. (QNA)