ID :
Sat, 07/28/2012 - 12:27
Auther :

World Nations Deprived Of Economic Ties With Iran : Italian Envoy

Tehran, July 28, IRNA – Italian Ambassador to Iran Alberto Bradanini said Saturday that countries with high capacity of exporting their goods to other nations, including Iran, were deprived of the country's market since Tehran has been subjected to various economic sanctions. Speaking in an exclusive interview with IRNA, the ambassador said, at first, it seemed that Iran's economy was the main target of the sanctions, however, it has become clear later that other world nations have also suffered from them. Noting that Iran was the third major oil supplier for Italy, Bradanini said Iran's exports to Italy was not limited to oil only. As for the existing problems on the way of Tehran's economic trade with other nations, he said that constructive dialogue was the only way out of the problems. Bradanini then referred to the forthcoming meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement's member states in the Iranian capital, due to be held late summer, hoping that international concerns of the present world could be discussed in the meeting. The ambassador concluded his interview by reiterating respect of the Italian nation for their Iranian counterparts./end