ID :
Mon, 07/01/2013 - 09:46
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2nd Tourism Co-op D8 Meet Opens In Tehran

Tehran, July 1, IRNA - The second tourism cooperation meeting of the Group of Eight Developing Countries (D8) opened here Monday. The announcement was made by deputy head of Iran’s Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHHTO) Manouchehr Jahanian, adding that several D8 tourism officials would discuss the ways to enhance tourism cooperation among the member states during the two-day event. The event is considered as a unique opportunity to bolster tourism cooperation between Iran and the D8 member states, he said, adding the meeting would reach valuable conclusions for D8 tourism industry. The D8 is composed of eight Islamic developing countries namely Nigeria, Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia and Bangladesh. D8 which its permanent base is in Istanbul, seeks to establish economic ties among developing Muslim countries, promote their presence at international markets and encourage talks with industrial countries. As an extra-regional treaty, D8 covers a vast area from eastern Asia to western Africa./end