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Thu, 10/29/2020 - 09:15
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Al-Watan, Al-Raya Affirm Qatar's Steadfast Position towards Palestinian Cause

Doha, October 29 (QNA) - Al-Watan and Al-Raya newspapers affirmed in their editorials Thursday the State of Qatar's firm position in supporting the Palestinian cause as it is the central issue of the Arabs and Muslims. In this regard, the two newspapers referred to the statement of the State of Qatar before the United Nation during the virtual meeting on "The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue," in which the country affirmed the central importance of the Palestinian cause as it is an issue of inalienable rights and an international responsibility to ensure these rights and achieve a just, comprehensive and lasting settlement. For its part, Qatari daily Al-Watan underlined the State of Qatar's affirmation on the central importance of the Palestinian issue and that it is an issue that affects security and stability on a large scale. The paper highlighted the statement delivered by HE Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the United Nations Ambassador Sheikha Alya bint Ahmed bin Saif Al-Thani, before the UN Security Council in which she affirmed the State of Qatar's firm and principled positions towards the Palestinian issue that it is based on the belief that a just, lasting and comprehensive peace and settlement of the Palestinian issue in all its aspects must be achieved in accordance with international law, the Charter and the United Nations resolutions. Her Excellency also stressed that there is no alternative to a consensual peace settlement, through serious negotiations between the Palestinian and Israeli sides, based on the agreed references, resolutions of international legitimacy, the principle of land for peace and the Arab peace initiative, in addition to the realization of the two-state solution that entails the establishment of an independent and viable state of Palestine on 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, which lives side by side with Israel in peace and security, the newspaper noted. In addition, the Qatari daily underlined the State of Qatar's firm positions towards all Middle East issues including the Gulf crisis, stressing Qatar's commitment to dialogue and settlement of disputes by peaceful means in dealing with the Gulf crisis that was imposed on the country three years ago without justification, involving an unjust blockade and illegal unilateral measures, further complicating the situation in the region and affecting its stability and security. The paper said that the State of Qatar has adhered to its principle based on respect for international law, and has resorted to international legal frameworks, foremost of which is the International Court of Justice to address the measures that violate the United Nations Charter, international law, international conventions and covenants and human rights. In conclusion, Al-Watan affirmed the State of Qatar's firm stances that seek to bring peace and stability to the region, reduce tensions and resolve crises with peaceful solutions for the benefit of the people and countries of the region. Al-Raya newspaper affirmed in its Thursday editorial the steadfast and unchanging position of the State of Qatar towards the Palestinian cause and called on international community to end injustice against the Palestinians and implement the resolutions of international legitimacy by establishing the Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with Holy Jerusalem as its capital. It referred to Her Excellency the Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the United Nations affirmation in statements to the UN Security Council, that the Palestinian issue affects security and stability on a large scale, because of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, as the international community bears a moral responsibility to guarantee these rights and achieve a just, comprehensive and lasting settlement. Qatar has confirmed in every forum and continues to affirm that the only just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue lies in achieving a comprehensive settlement that leads to a permanent peace in accordance with international law and the Charter and resolutions of the United Nations, Al-Raya added. It said that there is no alternative to a consensual peace settlement, through serious negotiations between the Palestinian and Israeli sides, based on the agreed references, resolutions of international legitimacy, the principle of land for peace and the Arab peace initiative, in addition to the realization of the two-state solution that entails the establishment of an independent and viable state of Palestine on 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, which lives side by side with Israel in peace and security. This basically requires an end to the occupation of Arab lands, settlements and attempts to annex lands illegally. It also requires guaranteeing the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and a just solution to the refugee issue, and stopping measures that affect the character, legal status and demographic composition of Jerusalem, in addition to stopping the suffocating siege on Gaza, the newspaper added. Based on its humanitarian and moral duty towards the Palestinian brothers, Qatar continued to send humanitarian and development aids to the Palestinian people, including the Gaza Strip, as Qatar provided financial assistance of $ 150 million, including support to combat the outbreak of the Coronavirus and its effects in the Gaza Strip, Al-Raya highlighted. The newspaper concluded its editorial by saying, "Qatar's positions will always be on the side of the brothers in Palestine until they regain their legitimate and inalienable historical rights." (QNA)