ID :
Thu, 11/29/2018 - 13:32
Auther :

Astana 11 affirms preservation of Syria’s sovereignty, territorial integrity

Astana, SANA_ The guarantor states of the Astana process (Iran, Russia and Turkey) reiterated their strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Syria and the continuation of the fight against terrorism. In Astana 11 final statement, the guarantor states reaffirmed their determination to fight terrorism in Syria in order to ultimately eliminate Daesh (ISIS), Jabhat al-Nusra and all other entities associated with them. The statement rejected all attempts to create new facts on the ground under the pretext of combating terrorism in Syria and rejected the separatist agendas aimed at undermining the sovereignty and unity of Syrian territory. The statement stressed the need for full implementation of the understanding on Idleb and the demilitarized zone, stressing that the de-escalation zone in Idleb, under any circumstances, can not undermine the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Syria. It condemned any use of chemical weapons in Syria and demanded a transparent and professional probe into any reports concerning this issue in a way that accords with the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. The statement stressed the continuation of efforts to end the suffering of the Syrians and help them restore normal life, calling on the international community, especially the United Nations and humanitarian organizations, to increase aid to Syria. The guarantor states decided to hold the upcoming meeting next February 2019 in Astana.