ID :
Fri, 09/20/2013 - 13:09
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Bali Governor Receives Canadian Envoy Ahead Of APEC Meeting

Denpasar, Bali, Sept 20 (Antara) - Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika received the Canadian Ambassador to Indonesia, Donald Bombiash on Friday, ahead of Asia Pacific Economic (APEC) meeting in Bali. On the occasion, Bombiash told the Bali governor that Canadian leaders were ready to attend the APEC meeting, which is being held in Nusa Dua, Bali in early October. "Canadian government officials attending the APEC meeting include the prime minister, the foreign minister and the international trade minister. They will arrive in Bali either on October 6 or 7 and will stay for three days," Bombiash revealed. The Canadian envoy appreciated the Indonesian government, particularly the Bali provincial government for hosting the APEC meeting. Bombiash said that the Canadian Government had hosted the APEC meeting in 1997, and he admitted that the preparation for the meeting had not been easy. He also admired the expansion of the Ngurah Rai International Airport terminal, which he said was much improved after being renovated. Meanwhile, Governor Mangku Pastika stated that the more renowned Bali became, the more challenges it would face going forward. He said the arrival of unskilled workers seeking jobs in Bali had given rise to problems, such as increased traffic jams and crime. "It is a real challenge but it will prompt the government of Bali to balance development across the province of Bali."