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Wed, 11/09/2016 - 03:04
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Bogor Zoology Museum Most Complete In Asia

BOGOR, W Java, Nov 9 (Antara) - The museum of zoology, named Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense (MZB), under the Indonesian Science Institute (LIPI) management in Bogor, West Java province has millions of fauna specimens. It is considered the most complete such museum in Southeast Asia. "We are proud of this museum as besides commemorating its 122nd anniversary, the museum has the best collection in Southeast Asia," Professor of the University of Indonesia, Prof. (Emeritus) S. Somadikarta, said here on Tuesday. He added that people should understand the importance of this museum and what it offers so that they can benefit from it. "The museum provides knowledge and truth and serves the people honestly. Museum ethics should be understood by all people," he pointed out. Zoologicum Bogoriense Museum's Director Hari Sutrisno noted that the museum has 3,030,657 specimen, including 3,007 mollusks, 134 nematode (worms), 15,804 insects and arthropods, 70 crustaceans, 1,300 fish, 498 reptiles, 334 amphibians, 1,200 birds and 460 mammals. "The collections have attracted many scientists, including those from abroad," Hari noted. He added that the museum was established in 1894 under the name of Landbouw Zoologish Laboratory. In order to commemorate the 122nd anniversary of the museum, the Indonesian Science Institution would hold various events, such as talk shows and field trips.