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Sun, 11/04/2012 - 08:24
Auther :

Envoy: West Asia Intellectual Heritage Center To Open In Iran

Tehran, Nov 4, IRNA – Iran Permanent Representative and Ambassador to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Mohammad Reza Majidi said that West Asia Intellectual Heritage Center is to open in Iran. He said that the center will be set up in cooperation with UNESCO's National Commission in Tehran. Majidi, during his visit to IRNA pavilion in International Exhibition of Press and News Agencies in Tehran on Saturday, said that in the field of cultural heritage there are two sectors of intellectual and material. He added that registering country's historical sites are in the field of material heritage and registering Norouz ancient festivity, music rows, and traditional sports are in the field of intellectual heritage. Majidi continued that the same center exists in East Asia in the countries of China, Japan and South Korea. UNESCO is active in the fields of science, education, cultural and human communications and Iran has registered a number of its scholars and characters in the world registration list./end