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Mon, 09/19/2016 - 13:58
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EXPO China-Eurasia to host Silk Road International Logistics forum

Baku, September 19, AZERTAC The Silk Road International Logistics Expo ("Lianyungang Expo") one of the participants of which is Azerbaijan is to take place in China. Within the fifth exhibition of the EXPO China-Eurasia, also will take place a forum concerning the international logistics issues. The EXPO China-Eurasia will open on September 20 in the Chinese city of Urumqi, the Xinhua Agency said. The exhibition will be attended by 2192 companies, 418 of which are foreign companies. The number of the participating countries and regions has increased by 19 percent to reach 57. The main honorary guest of the EXPO will be Belarus whose pavilion occupies 360 square meters, which is a record for all the history of exhibition. It is planned to hold 15 forums at the ministerial level and other specialized actions for discussion of a wide range of questions - from finance to science and technology. In particular, there will be held a forum concerning cooperation in carrying out sanitary and quarantine measures when crossing border of China and the countries of Eurasia, a forum concerning information, speedways, transport and communications of the countries of Eurasia, a forum of business community concerning the international logistics “Great Silk Road”.