ID :
Mon, 03/12/2012 - 11:23
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Former RI Ambassador To The Netherlands Dies

Jakarta, March 12 (ANTARA) - Former Indonesian Ambassador to the Netherlands, Junus Effendi Habibie (Fanny Habibie), died here on Monday morning at the age of 74, a source said. Spokesman of the family, Didit Ratam, said Fanny Habibie who was the younger brother of former president BJ Habibie died due to heart disease. Didit added that the remains of the former ambassador would be buried in the Tanah Kusir cemetery at 3 pm on Monday. Jusuf Effendi Habibie was born in Parepare, Sotuh Sulawesi, on June 11, 1937. Before his appointment as Indonesian Ambassador to the Netherlands, he was the Director General of Sea Transportation.