ID :
Sat, 01/26/2013 - 08:37
Auther :

Hamedan Winter Festival, An Important Step Toward Regional Tourism

Hamedan, Jan 26, IRNA – Afghanistan Ambassador to Tehran said that Hamedan winter festival is an important step toward tourism and cultural relations in the Middle East. Basir Ahmad Nouri, as special guest in the sixth Hamedan Winter Festival, told IRNA on Friday that the festival is held to develop cultural and tourism interactions in the region. He added that presence of different countries representatives in Hamedan made them familiar with potential tourism capacities of the province. Ahmad Nouri said that holding such a festival can help to attract foreign tourist. By naming a number of interesting points in Hamedan, the ambassador said that the festival was welcomed by tourists and it was an important event in the province. The festival, which was held in the presence of 29 foreign ambassadors in Tehran, started its work on January 24 and continues until Hanuary 28./end