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Fri, 09/25/2020 - 23:00
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Iran: S. Arabia source of instability in region

New York, Sept 25, IRNA – Iran’s Permanent Representative in the United Nations Majid Takht-Ravanchi described Saudi Arabia as the main source of instability in the region, saying that it is a well-established fact that it was the main financial supporter of the Iraqi dictator, Saddam, and aggression against Yemen.
In reaction to the Saudi King's anti-Iran remarks in UN General Assembly on Wednesday, he categorically dismissed the allegations as baseless and unfounded.
Full text of the statement reads as follows:
"In the name of God the most Compassionate, the most Merciful
I am writing to you with regard to a statement made by the delegation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on 23 September 2020, in the course of the general debate of the seventy-fifth session of the General Assembly, wherein unfounded allegations were raised against my country, all of which are hereby rejected categorically.
Indeed, through a series of fabrication and disinformation, Saudi Arabia desperately attempts to distract attention away from its dark long record in harboring, financing, inducing and arming the most dangerous terrorist networks, disseminating hate speech and extremist ideology, sowing the seeds of sectarian division, pursuing destabilizing, disruptive and subversive policies and practices in the region as well as the crimes it continues to commit for over six years in Yemen in flagrant violation of the basic principles of morality and humanity and rules of international law, particularly international humanitarian law, entailing its international responsibility.
Saudi Arabia has been a source of instability in the region for decades. It is a well-established fact that Saudi Arabia was the main financial supporter of the Iraqi dictator, Saddam, in his eight-year aggression against the Islamic Republic of Iran in which he committed numerous crimes, including the use of chemical weapons against Iranian and Iraqi cities and citizens.
With respect to the role of Saudi Arabia in supporting terrorist groups, it has now become quite evident that this country’s Wahhabi ideology is the main inspiring source of the most dangerous terrorist groups such as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Al-Qaida and through its petrodollars, Saudi Arabia has served as the main financier of such terrorist groups.
Another living example of the destructive policies of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the region is its almost six years of aggression, death and destruction in Yemen, in which thousands of civilians, including women and children, have been killed, and homes, mosques, hospitals, schools, marketplaces, diplomatic missions and even wedding and funeral ceremonies have been targeted. Such crimes have been so brutal and horrible that the United Nations placed this country at the top of the list of global child-killers.
Although later, for clear non-professional reasons, its name was dropped from that list. This country still uses starvation as a war tactic and continues to prevent the entry of fuel, food, medicine and medical equipment to the most populated areas in Yemen amid the extremely serious health situation as a result of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, further deteriorating the already critical humanitarian situation in Yemen.
Reiterating that restoration of peace and security in the region requires a genuine dialogue with the active and constructive engagement of all regional countries based on mutual respect, inclusivity and basic principles of international law, and recalling the Hormuz Peace Endeavour (known as HOPE), launched by the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the seventy-fourth session of the General Assembly (A/74/581-S/2019/933) -- which has received positive reactions from a number of regional countries -- I would like to underline that relying on foreign forces whose main interests are to sell more deadly weapons to this region has not produced security for the region. Instead, the regional countries should resolve their differences through dialogue and rely on their own capabilities to promote peace and security in the region. In this context, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is called upon to accept such a call for dialogue among all littoral States of the Persian Gulf.
Here, I should express our appreciation to the presidents of the Security Council for the months of August and September 2020, as well as to thirteen of its members—especially Russia and China—who twice said a decisive and resounding “NO” to the unlawful US attempt to exploit the Council and its Resolution 2231.
This is a victory not just for Iran, but for the global community—during the transitional international order in the post-Western world—that an aspirant of hegemony is humiliated in such self-created isolation.
Ladies and Gentlemen
Where can you find precedent for a government to renege, without any reason, on the outcome of 13 years of multilateral talks—also attended by its predecessor, shamelessly violate a resolution of the Security Council and even punish others for abiding by a UNSC resolution? And simultaneously claim to be seeking negotiations and a “big deal?"
The United States can impose neither negotiations, nor war on us.
Life is hard under sanctions. However, harder, is life without independence.
Political freedom at home is important. We—as the oldest democracy in the Middle East—are proud of our people determining their destiny and will not trade domestic freedom with foreign interference.
Democracy is the sovereign right of a nation, and not the right of interference by an outsider—let alone a terrorist and interventionist outsider that remains captive to the illusions of 19 August 1953, when its predecessors overthrew the only democracy in the Middle East through a coup d’état.
Dignity and prosperity of our nation are essential for us; and they are attained through diplomacy relying on national will coupled with resilience.
We are not a bargaining chip in US elections and domestic policy.
Any US administration after the upcoming elections will have no choice but to surrender to the resilience of the Iranian nation.
And for the world: Today is the time to say “no” to bullying and arrogance. The era of dominance and hegemony is long over. Our nations and children deserve a better and safer world based on the rule of law.
Now is the time for the right choice.
I thank you for your attention.