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Mon, 09/29/2014 - 12:10
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Jokowi Appreciates Working group Of Transitional Team

Jakarta, Sept 29 (Antara) - President-elect Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi, has given a high appreciation to the working group of transitional team that provided him input on the working program of the new government. "My highest appreciation goes to the ladies and gentlemen who have worked hard day and night in the team," Jokowi said here on Sunday evening. He remarked that he highly appreciated the team which continued to provide him inputs and options about a particular issue that has to be considered to make a policy in the new government. "When the working team was formed, I asked it to make the concepts that could be directly implemented in the new government," Jokowi noted. Jokowi said that although the transitional team has been officially dissolved, he hoped its members would continue to cooperate for the success of the next government. "The members of the team should remain cooperating to make a better government and a better Indonesia," he remarked.