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Mon, 10/08/2018 - 05:59
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Kazakh President Keeps Finger On The Pulse Of The Country - Atlantic Council Senior Fellow

BRUSSELS. KAZINFORM - Dr. Ariel Cohen Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council was impressed with the comprehensive directions provided in the recent State-of-the-Nation Address of President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kazinform reports. "I was impressed by the detailed and comprehensive directions the president provided in his address. It is clear that he, the presidential administration, and the Cabinet are keeping the finger on the pulse. On the other hand, without the buy - in, no program can be implemented," Cohen stressed. He noted that a strong emphasis is placed on human capital and the social component of the government activities. "The emphasis on the government guidance of the industry and especially high tech, is typical for the newly developing economies such as China, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia etc.," he noted. He went on to add that Kazakhstan‘s foreign-policy is not only proactive, it is multi vector. "And it has proven itself is a successfully balanced Foreign Policy now for 25 years, and will be such for another 25 years," he said in conclusion.