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Sat, 04/06/2019 - 19:15
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Quds permanent capital of Palestine, Golan Syria’s soil: Pres. Rouhani

Tehran, April 6, IRNA - President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Prime Minister of Iraq underlined the seriousness of the two governments in expanding Tehran-Baghdad trade and economic relations. Emphasizing on facilitating conditions for closer cooperation between businessmen and economic activists and private sectors of Iran and Iraq, Hassan Rouhani said on Saturday at a joint meeting of the high-ranking Iranian and Iraqi delegations that 'we always regard Qods as the main and permanent capital of Palestine and condemned any measure contrary to the history and regulations of the United Nations'. The president noted, 'no doubt, Golan is part of the Syrian territory, which is taken by the occupants and no comment can disrupt this historical fact”, and said, 'The necessity of the end of the killing and war in Yemen.' 'Surely the solution to the Yemeni crisis is political, and we hope we can work together to bring peace and security to this country and send humanitarian and food aid to the people of this country,' the high-ranking official went on to say. He further highlighted that the visits and talks of the two countries' officials are the sign of the authorities' interest in the development and deepening of their relations and cooperation, and expressed his hope that with the authorities' efforts, Tehran-Baghdad agreements would be faster implemented and operational in different sectors. Rouhani expressed his satisfaction with the implementation of the agreement between Iran and Iraq to free the visa in less than a month from the talks in Baghdad on this issue, adding. 'The move will be effective in promoting the expansion of relations and cooperation between the two countries and facilitating the development of scientific, commercial, Economic and healthcare of Iran and Iraq.' The president expressed the hope to witness the visa waiver between the two countries with the efforts of officials and agreements between the two governments in the future. Rouhani said that the development of banking and cooperation relations between the central banks of Iran and Iraq is important in facilitating the conditions for the expansion of financial exchanges and commercial and economic cooperation between them. Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi, for his part, praised the Iranian government and the Iranian nation hospitality, saying, 'The visit of the Iranian president to Iraq was a key and historic journey, because he was able to gain many achievements, and remove the problems on the path to development of cooperation between the two countries.' The Iraqi prime minister underlined that pursuing and monitoring the proper implementation of the agreements and the emphasis on the further development and consolidation of the Tehran-Baghdad relations are among the goals of his visit to Iran, and stated, 'We must develop Iran-Iraq relations and cooperation in various scientific, political, economic, and cultural fields in the mutual interests of the two nations.'