ID :
Wed, 08/26/2015 - 17:27
Auther :

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Chinese officials discuss coupling of EEC, Silk Road

MOSCOW, August 26. /TASS/. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov, who is visiting China, has discussed the idea of coupling construction of the Eurasian Economic Community (EEC) and an economic belt around the Silk Road project, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a report on Wednesday. In Beijing, Morgulov and China’s Deputy Foreign Minister Chent Guoping co-chaired the first meeting of an interdepartmental workgroup for construction of the EEC and the Silk Road economic belt. "The participants in the meeting discussed bilateral collaboration in line with provisions of a joint statement that Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping signed in Moscow on May," the ministerial press service said. In addition, Morgulov and Cheng held consultations related to the activity of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, with emphasis on fulfilling the decisions of the Ufa summit meeting of the heads of state and/or government. "On the same day, Morgulov met with the Chinese government’s special envoy for the Korean problem, Wu Dawei," the report said. "They discussed the current situation in the region and a search of ways of resuming the process of six-partite negotiations (the Korean nuclear talks - TASS)." Read more