ID :
Fri, 06/30/2017 - 09:47
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USTR Urges Japan to Address Trade Imbalance

Washington, June 29 (Jiji Press)--U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer urged Japanese Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Hiroshige Seko on Thursday to help correct a trade imbalance between the two countries. During their meeting in Washington, Lighthizer expressed concern about his country's large and persistent trade deficit with Japan, according to the USTR office. Lighthizer said that the new bilateral economic dialogue led by Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso and U.S. Vice President Mike Pence should be used effectively for addressing the trade issue. At a press conference later, Seko stressed that he and Lighthizer did not have more specific talks on the matter. Seko also denied they discussed about possible Japan-U.S. free trade negotiations, which are being sought by the U.S. administration of President Donald Trump. Seko separately held talks with U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross and National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn. At the meeting with Ross, Seko called for a cautious approach by the U.S. administration to its envisioned restrictions on steel imports for national security reasons. Seko and the U.S. officials confirmed cooperation between their countries in responding to unfair trade practices by other countries, apparently including China's overproduction of steel. END