ID :
Sat, 10/27/2012 - 08:28
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‘French FM’s remarks on Iran’s nuclear program irresponsible’

TEHRAN,Oct.27(MNA) – Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast on Wednesday dismissed French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius’s recent remarks about Iran’s nuclear program as irresponsible. French foreign minister has claimed that Iran appears on track to reach the ability to produce a nuclear weapon by the first half of next year. Fabius told Europe-1 radio on October 21 that unspecified experts “have established in an absolutely indisputable way” that Iran has compiled a full array of centrifuges that “apparently will allow the ability to go toward possession of the nuclear weapon by the first half of next year, the end of the first half,” AP reported. Mehmanparast said that the French official has made predictions under political pressure that are not based on evidence and documentation. He added that it is surprising that the French foreign minister has disregarded the International Atomic Energy Agency’s inspections of Iran’s nuclear activities in recent years, which have confirmed that there is no evidence of diversion to military purposes in Iran’s nuclear program, and talked about the danger of Iran’s acquiring of nuclear weapons. He also expressed hope that the French foreign minister would not repeat mistakes made by certain former French officials who overtook the United States and the Zionist regime in adopting tough and false policies on the Islamic Republic and would remain committed to the principles of international law, moderation, and logic. In addition, the Iranian official reiterated that the Islamic Republic will not relinquish its rights to nuclear technology as a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.