ID :
Wed, 06/27/2012 - 07:15
Auther :

‘Reneging on agreements with Iran would be detrimental for 5+1 group’

TEHRAN,June 27(MNA) - The deputy secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council said that world powers’ failure to comply with their agreements with Iran would impose more costs on them. SNSC Deputy Secretary Ali Baqeri made the remarks during a televised interview broadcast live on Iranian television on Monday night when asked to comment on the latest round of negotiations between Tehran and the 5+1 group (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany), which was held in Moscow on June 18 and 19. During the talks in the Russian capital, the two sides agreed to hold expert meetings in Istanbul on July 3. Baqeri, who is a member of Iran’s nuclear negotiating team, stated, “If the other side enters the talks with a constructive approach based on the agreements made, the process of the continuation of talks would be clear and forward-looking. But if they act outside of this framework and contrary to the agreements, their options will decrease and our options and the other side’s costs will increase.” “If the other side enters constructive cooperation and a win-win game based on the agreements, we will regard the process as positive,” he added. Baqeri also said, “The 5+1 group proposed that 20 percent enrichment be halted, the Fordo site be closed, and 20 percent enriched uranium be shipped out of the country. “The proposal of the Islamic Republic of Iran included five points that were about recognition of Iran’s right to peaceful use of nuclear energy, cooperation with the (International Atomic Energy) Agency, building confidence, nuclear cooperation, and discussion of non-nuclear issues, including regional issues.” He added that SNSC Secretary Saeed Jalili, who is Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator, provided the 5+1 group detailed explanations about the country’s right to uranium enrichment and the fatwa (religious edict) that Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has issued declaring that the production, stockpiling, and use of nuclear weapons are all haram (prohibited in Islam). “Dr. Jalili responded to their proposal calling for a halt to 20 percent enrichment with logical reasoning and described it as unrealistic and in contravention of international law,” Baqeri stated. He added, “The other side accepted the proposals of the Islamic Republic of Iran except those regarding the fatwa of the Supreme Leader of the revolution and enrichment.” Elsewhere in his remarks, the SNSC deputy secretary commented on the sanctions that the United Nations Security Council has imposed on Iran over the allegation that it is seeking to produce nuclear weapons, noting, “The Islamic Republic of Iran regards the Security Council resolutions as illegal and against international and International Atomic Energy Agency regulations.” The UN Security Council has approved four rounds of sanctions on Iran in order to pressure the country over its nuclear program.