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Thu, 05/03/2018 - 10:41
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Ambassador Dan Stav: Most special component of bilateral relations is existence of Jewish communities in Azerbaijan from time immemorial

Baku, May 3, AZERTAC The most special component of the bilateral relations is the existence of Jewish communities in Azerbaijan from time immemorial, said Israeli Ambassador Dan Stav at the reception marking the 70th anniversary of his country`s independence. Ambassador Dan Stav highlighted his country`s history of independence saying the 70th anniversary of Israel's independence is for them an opportunity to proudly look back and reflect on what Israel has achieved in the past 70 years: "To me, celebrating it here in Baku has a special meaning as it coincides with the centennial celebrations of the first Azerbaijan Democratic Republic." He said the establishment of the State of Israel was the culmination of the return process of the Jewish people from the exile - in most cases hostile and intolerant - to their ancestral land. The Diplomat noted Israeli people who migrated to Israel, serve as a human bridge of friendship between the two people and countries: "This community of Kaspia is mentioned in the bible in the book of Ezra the prophet, which refer to the period of the late 6th century BC. These Jewish communities have always lived in peace and harmony with their neighbors." After Azerbaijan independence was declared, Israel was the fourth country to recognize Azerbaijan. The two countries developed strategic multi-facet relations. He spoke of relations between the two countries: "These relations are based on cooperation in defense, energy, and now more and more cooperation between the private sectors are registered in two crucial sectors: agriculture as more and more Israeli companies are active in Azerbaijan. As for tourism, the number of Israeli tourists is estimated to triple this year and cross 50,000. I am sure that almost all of them will become ambassadors of good will for Azerbaijan in Israel." "Similarly, to Azerbaijan, Israel was able to develop a sound economy, cohesive society and a stable governance system despite a lingering conflict with its neighbors. Israel was able to transform the country into a hub of innovation in agriculture and water management, as well as to develop military state of the art technology side by side with top notch civilian high-tech." Minister of Taxes Mikayil Jabbarov congratulated the Israeli people on behalf of the government of Azerbaijan. He touched upon steadily developing relations between the two countries. He noted Jewish community in Azerbaijan, as well as Azerbaijani community in Israel play a great role in boosting bonds between the two countries. He expressed confidence that friendly relations would further strengthen between Azerbaijan and Israel. The reception was attended by state and government officials, MPs, ambassadors of foreign countries in Baku, representatives of international organizations and representatives of public.