ID :
Tue, 12/20/2016 - 17:53
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Aoun deplores assassination of Russian diplomat in Turkey

NNA - President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, vehemently condemned on Thursday the assassination of the Russian Ambassador to Turkey, who was gunned at the hands of a man claiming revenge for Aleppo at an art exhibition in Ankara yesterday evening. "This terrorist act aims to strike the dialogue of civilizations which the late Russian diplomat had been practicing through his visit to an art exhibition in Ankara titled 'Russia as Turks see it'," the Lebanese President said. In his cable of condolences to Russian President, Vladimir Putin, Aoun reiterated Lebanon's support to its allies in the wide scale fight against terrorism. He said that all should clamp down on terror with one hand in a bid to give hope to the world of a brighter tomorrow. Aoun also deplored Berlin terrorist attack, which left scores dead and injured. He cabled the German President and offered him heartfelt condolences. "This brutal act aims at shaking Germany's security and stability," the lawmaker added. On another level, Baabda Palace witnessed on Tuesday a series of activities. Tarek Al-Habib, the newly appointed Minister of Environment, visited Aoun and thanked him for his trust. "Aoun deemed the Ministry of Environment a top priority, especially looking at its substantial role in daily livelihood, humanitarian, and environmental affairs," he added. The President also met with a delegation of American Bank JPMorgan, which conveyed to the president the bank's determination to continue its support to the Lebanese economy in general and to the banking sector in particular. In the same context, he met with Swiss ambassador, François Barras, accompanied by the vice-president of Nestlé Company. They discussed investments in Lebanon after the election of a head of state. Aoun then received a delegation from "Microsoft" company, which informed him about his willingness to contribute to projects, namely an e-government. The Head of State assured the delegation that "the economic recovery will be strengthened by the international trust in Lebanon and its institutions", stressing the importance "of the fight against corruption in the presence of a minister who will be in charge of follow-up on this file in cooperation with the concerned supervisory bodies." Aoun separately discussed with the President of the Supreme Disciplinary Council Marwan Abboud the work of the commission and the importance of re-launching it to enable it to fulfil its duty. The president also met with Brazilian football star Roberto Carlos, who is currently on a visit to Lebanon as part of the peace support mission. The football player confirmed his love for Lebanon and the Lebanese, "especially in presence of more than 10 million Brazilians of Lebanese origin who live in Brazil." "We give orphans a special interest. This visit to Beirut is part of our mission," he said. The president also welcomed the achievements of the football player at the championships, thanking him for his initiative. =====================