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Mon, 06/03/2013 - 07:42
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Arab Spring Inspired By Late Imam’s Ideology: Indian Religious Scholar

New Delhi, June 3, IRNA – Arab spring is inspired by the lofty ideology left behind by the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (R.A.), said an Indian Shia religious scholar Sunday in New Delhi. In an exclusive interview with IRNA, Maulana Syed Jalal Haider Naqvi, President of Shaheed Mottahhari Society in New Delhi, said: “The current uprising against the corrupt rulers, backed by the Zionists and imperialist powers, is the result of the seed sown by Imam Khomeini (R.A.)”. Eulogizing dynamic role played by the greatest soul in Islamic renaissance, the Shia scholar noted that Imam Khomeini as a strong unbending resolute personality, is being fondly remembered by all sections of society, whosoever preach social justice and equality for all, because the leader of the Islamic Revolution not only led the revolution victorious but always advocated promotion of lofty human values. He has guided to establish social justice and equality for all. Jalal Haider, who is also the Joint Secretary of Majlis Ulema-e-Hind, while paying rich tributes to Imam Khomeini, maintained that he (Imam Khomeini) enlighten the hearts of the oppressed people around the globe how to shatter power of irrationality and uproot the hegemonic rulers backed by Zionists and imperialists. “Solution for problems, faced by Muslim world in particular and oppressed people in general, in present juncture, is hidden in Imam Khomeini’s lofty ideas. And the requirement is just to dig out and follow the right path shown by the greatest revolutionary leader,” he concluded./end