ID :
Sat, 11/23/2013 - 08:47
Auther :

Araqchi: Both Sides Have Resolute Wills Of 3rd Day Of N-talks

Geneva, Nov 23, IRNA – Iranian nuclear team’s 2nd top negotiator Abbas Araqchi said on Friday that although both sides have resolute wills on this 3rd day of talks, but progress is minute, and making judgments is not possible. The deputy foreign minister wrote in his Twitter page Friday update the on the third day of nuclear talks between Iran and the sextet the wills are resolute, but the progress is minute, and making judgments is not possible. The fourth round of nuclear talks on their 3rd day, headed by Zarif and the EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton began at 9 am Friday, but at 10 past ten they were interrupted due to need for more internal consultations among the six world powers./end