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Sun, 03/19/2017 - 09:15
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Azerbaijani President: Global business, political elite's interest in us is obvious

Baku, March 19, AZERTAC "Our international positions are becoming stronger. If we take a look at the geography of my visits to foreign countries since mid-January until today, we will see that Azerbaijan leads a comprehensive and successful foreign policy. In the last two months, I have made seven trips abroad. Azerbaijan was worthily represented at the world's most respected Davos Forum and Munich Conference. The interest of global business and political elite in Azerbaijan is obvious," said President Ilham Aliyev as he addressed nationwide festivities on the occasion of Novruz holiday. "I had a successful visit to the European Commission. As a result of this visit the European Commission and Azerbaijan launched negotiations on a new agreement. I have to note that this is a rare occasion. Azerbaijan proposed a draft to hold those negotiations and it was adopted. I hope that in the near future an active process will start in those negotiations and very soon we will have this agreement," the head of state said. Speaking about the international relations of Azerbaijan, President Ilham Aliyev said: "I paid official visits to Qatar, Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Iran. Our relations with Muslim countries are strengthening. Our people know that Azerbaijan does a lot of great work for the Islamic Solidarity. The Islamic world appreciates it. Azerbaijan actively participated in the Economic Cooperation Organization summit. We had successfully chaired this organization for the last five years. My recent official visit to France was also very successful. France is one of the leading countries in the world. Those who followed my visit saw that there is a great respect and interest towards our country. We are successfully cooperating in political, economic and energy fields. Azerbaijan is the only country in the post-Soviet region that signed documents on strategic partnership with nine member countries of the European Union," President Ilham Aliyev added.