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Tue, 01/14/2014 - 09:53
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Book by senior official at Azerbaijan`s Presidential Administration published in Turkey

Baku, January 14 (AzerTAc). A monograph by Head of Social and Political Affairs Department at the Azerbaijani President`s Administration, PhD in history, Professor Ali Hasanov has come out in Turkey. “National development and security policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan” monograph was published by Otuken Publishing House. In his book, Mr. Hasanov provides an insight into the national development and security policy of Azerbaijan in the past 20 years. The monograph features an analysis of the fundamentals, aims and goals, major directions and mechanisms of Azerbaijan’s national development and security policy. It studies the country`s security activity in socio-political, socio-economic, military-border, transport-transit, food, information, and environmental fields. The monograph throws light on Azerbaijan’s policy carried out in national, regional, and international security fields, and focuses on scientific and theoretical aspects of foreign and domestic policy. Mr. Hasanov outlines prospects for the development of Azerbaijan`s relations with world and regional powers, and ultimate aspects of the exploitation and transportation of the Caspian energy resources, and security of the East-West transport and communication corridor. The monograph also highlights the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh dispute, particularly its impact on the national security. Mr. Hasanov also examines the issues of ensuring geo-economic and military-geostrategic security of Azerbaijan against a background of the challenges and requirements of the globalization, and transnational processes taking place in the region. The book is Ali Hasanov’s second edition published in Turkey after his “Geopolitics” monograph.