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Sun, 02/03/2013 - 09:23
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Conspiracies Cannot Weaken Islamic Revolution : Religious Leader

Islamabad, Feb 3, IRNA -- Chief of Pakistan’s top religious party on Saturday said that western efforts to weaken the Islamic Revolution have been failed and Iran is still strong and flourishing with glory. Talking to IRNA, Jamaat-e-Islami chief Syed Munawar Hassan said that Iran is the only Muslim country that is not yielding to western pressure. Special ceremonies to celebrate the 34th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran kicked off nationwide on Thursday. The first day of the ten-day long ceremonies coincides with the anniversary of return home of the Late Founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini from exile. Syed Munawar Hassan expressing his views said that US and its allies are hatching conspiracies to destabilize Muslim Ummah. He stressed the need for forging unity among Ummah to frustrate the anti-Islam designs of western states. He was of the view that western conspiracies against Muslim world are increasing day by day. He warned that west is trying to capture the resources of Muslim world. The religious leader said that the western bias towards Muslims must come to an end. “No doubt that Islamic Revolution of Iran has been source of inspiration for awakening movements in Islamic world,” he said. The politician paid homage to the founder of Islamic Revolution Imam Khomeini for his role in leading Iranian nation. “Islamic Revolution in Iran is a major mile stone of twentieth century”, he added. Syed Munawar Hassan said that Iranian people despite the western propaganda has been celebrating the 34th anniversary of the Revolution which is a great achievement. Chief of Jamaat-e-Islami expressing views said that western efforts cannot weaken the Islamic Revolution. He went on to say that people of Iran are sincere towards the spirit of revolution and they are ready to give any kind of sacrifice for the success of Islamic Revolution. “The Islamic Revolution of Iran is not an ordinary revolution, but an ideological revolution brought by the efforts of Imam Khomeini,’ he said./end