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Mon, 01/16/2017 - 12:18
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Division to make terrorist thinking sovereign in Islamic world

TEHRAN, Jan. 16 (MNA) – Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani underlined Iran's peace plan for Syria including an immediate ceasefire, reforms, domestic dialogue and inclusive elections. Shamkhani made the remarks during an interview with Tehran Foreign Policy Studies Quarterly. “US and some other countries seek to decide instead of the Syrian people on their fate to determine who is the right candidate; this is contrary to the principles of democracy and self-determination of nations,” he noted. Democracy in Syria compared to the situation in other countries and based on Middle Eastern standards, is much better than the countries supported by the US government, he said. Liberation of Aleppo which was with an upper-hand and dominance by Damscsus through military operations and political compromise, indicate the success of Syria-Iran-Russia joint strategies and the Resistance Front against the US propaganda coalitions, Shamkhani underlined pointing to the strategic importance of military victories in the East of Aleppo. Secretary of Iran’s SNSC went on to say that the mess in the region has increased the costs for all countries and will add to the achievements of the Zionist regime. He said Iran’s support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is within its strategy framework to protect the Resistance Front and the fight against terrorism. He added “as long as the Syrian government requires the need, the Islamic Republic of Iran stands beside Syria.” The Islamic Republic of Iran has always stood against extremism growth, defending the territorial integrity of regional countries, Shamkhani noted. “The division of the countries gives birth to the sovereignty of terrorist thinking in the land of Islam which is inconsistent with the strategic interests of the Muslim world,” he concluded.