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Wed, 11/28/2012 - 09:35
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Envoy Criticizes UN Resolution As 'Politicized', 'Unprofessional'

New York, Nov 28, IRNA – Iran's permanent representative in the United Nations Mohammad Khazaei called a human rights resolution against Iran 'political' and underlined that it is 'biased' and 'far from professional standards'. Speaking in the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly, Khazaei called the resolution unconstructive and stressed that it was presented upon Canada domestic policy against Iran and aims to abuse human rights mechanisms against Iran. He called the resolution as reflecting interests of certain countries and stressed that the resolution will do harm to credibility of the UN Human Rights Council. Khazaei continued that there are more than 150 unfounded claims against Iran in the resolution, but little attention has been paid to positive cases. He said the resolution is based upon biased reports, adding that it contains many contradictions. Iran's ambassador to the UN underlined that presenting such a resolution reveals its designers' political motives and objectives. He underlined that the UN Human Rights Council should face with human rights issues in all countries with a global viewpoints and impartiality. He said, 'We prepared a 53-page report to answer the accusations and we submitted it to the Council, but , unfortunately, Iran Human Rights Special Rapporteur ignored it and avoided using it in his draft resolution.' So, the draft resolution has been formed totally unilateral and has referred limitedly to Iran human rights achievements. Referring to the vast violation of human rights in Canada, USA, Britain, France and the Zionist regime, Khazaei asked if these countries are critisized about their human rights violations? He referred to discriminatory cases against Muslims, immigrants and indigenous minorities in those countries and said that a severe violation of human rights against women, especially black women in the US prisons and killing Afghan civilians by the US drone are clear cases of human rights violation by the US government. The envoy continued that with hundreds of prisoners in illegal prisons in the USA and imposing torture in its jails, including Guantanamo, it would be funny that the US considers itself as the first defender of human rights in the world. He also referred to human rights situation and oppressed minorities in Canada and said that indigenous people of Canada are facing with a severe violation of human rights and oppression by the the government. Khazaei stressed that the Canadian government upon valid international reports imposes racial discrimination in its country. He referred to silence of countries which call themselves supporters of human rights for the Zionist regime crimes and said that it is a wonder that these countries never refer to the Zionist regime crimes in occupied territory and Gaza. The UN ambassador added that it is funny that Israel, which its hands is in the blood of thousands is among those who are offering the resolution against Iran. Khazaei, by referring to Canada representative accusations against Iran, told him that Iranians do not need you to talk on behalf of them. He concluded that Iranians have declared their own views with honor during the past 33 years and Canada had better think about its own indigenous people. In the voting, 68 countries abtained, 31 were against and 83 countries voted in favor. Permanent representatives from India, China, Egypt, Ecuador, Cuba, Venezuela, Eritrea, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan and Nicaragua were among countries who opposed with the resolution. Representatives from Belarus, Brazil, Somalia, China, Russia, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela delivered speeches in opposition to the resolution./end