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Tue, 10/25/2016 - 10:21
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Fighting terrorism ‘only a political show' for hegemonic powers

KHOMEIN, Oct. 25 (MNA) – President Hassan Rouhani has criticized great powers as merely playing with the idea of fighting terrorism for their own end which he believed was ‘a political show.’ President Rouhani who was speaking in a press conference in a city of Markazi Province during his 32nd provincial tour, said that the supporters of terrorism and those once fostered extremism, now face the approaching blazes of their own political miscalculations; “however, this is just a political plaything for hegemonic powers in the international scene for their show, since eliminating petty terrorist groups for powers would be like eating a cake,” he told the press conference. “The Islamic Republic of Iran has a definite policy on terrorism, which believes that any participation in fighting terrorism without official permission from the hosting country would bring unfavorable results and was dangerous; the political borders of the Middle East should be treated seriously and no country would easily violate the borders of another country,” he emphasized, making indirect references to Turkish participation in Mosul liberation in Iraq, where it unilaterally demanded that it participate in the liberation. “Iran will contribute to the fight against terrorism only when countries engaged request such a thing, while we respect the political independence of such countries,” Rouhani concluded his brief remarks on the Middle East.