ID :
Sun, 06/09/2013 - 07:36
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FM Spokesman Condemns Canadian Parliament For Anti-Iran Gesture

Tehran, June 9, IRNA – Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbass Araghchi on Saturday condemned Canadian parliament for anti-Iran gesture. He said that the Canadian government lacks legitimacy due to reported election fraud and that the parliaments are universally recognized for lawmaking on national affairs not about another country. The ˈridiculous and politically motivatedˈ legislation has been drafted by a government which suffers from political illegitimacy due to vote-rigging. Araghchi expressed surprise that the Canadian parliament has replaced domestic affairs and international issues linked with national interests with Iran legislation. ˈUnder conditions that Canadian Federal Court has admitted fraud in the general election and at a time when other key issues, such as genocide of Canadian oborigional citizens highlighted by the UN human rights rapporteurs, are left uninvestigated, the Canadian public opinion demands the parliament to probe violence and human rights violations against aborigional citizens of Canada.ˈ Araqchi said that architects of passing anti-Iran legislation merely showed lack of information and disrespect for realities of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He hoped that Canadian parliament would show immediate reaction to fate of hundreds of Canadian aborigional citizens, especially the Canadian girls and ladies disappeared over recent years./end