ID :
Sat, 12/22/2012 - 09:30
Auther :

FM Spokesman Deplores Anti-Iran UN General Assembly Resolution

Tehran, Dec 22, IRNA – Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said here on Friday that issuing a resolution by the United Nations (UN) against Iran which also defies the human rights norms in indicative of the inefficacy of the UN's mechanisms. Mehmparast's remarks came after UN General Assembly issued a politically-motivated resolution against the Islamic Republic of Iran in New York on Friday. 'Unfortunately and like the past several years, some western countries headed by Canada and the US issued a politicized resolution against Iran on the baseless allegations of violating human rights by Iran,' he said. Mehmanparast noted that the UN General Assembly's measure shows blatant inefficiency of the UN human rights' mechanisms and practice of double-standards by the Western countries. 'The Islamic Republic of Iran is still determined and firm on supporting the rights of its citizens in concordance with the holy Islamic sharia and the principles brought in the country's constitution while undermining such political interfering measures,' he added. Mehmanparast further noted that the Islamic Republic of Iran believes that the issue of human rights should not become the scene of confrontation between different countries and cultures, but it can be resolved through dialogue and mutual respect which is based on human rights and paves the way for cooperation of the nations and the transfer of experiences for upholding the human dignity./end