ID :
Sun, 09/30/2012 - 10:02
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Iran Criticizes US Dual Standard On Terrorism

New York, Sept 30, IRNA – Slamming US for removing MKO from terrorist blacklist, Iran's Foreign Ministry strongly criticized US dual standard on fighting against terrorism. US State Department on Friday removed Mujahidin Khalq Organization (MKO) from the list of terrorist groups. Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the US government, after many years of hidden support for the MKO, by removing the ominous grouplet from terrorist list had increased its anti-Iran moves and has once again proved that it does not follow any logic in its behavior. The statement said, 'Although the grouplet was already working freely in the USA, this move was against US international obligations and the US government proved that it is using dual standard in this concern and terrorism is divided into 'good and bad terrorism' in the US standards. The statement continued that Iran strongly condemns the irresponsible move of the US government and declares it against US international and legal obligations and holds the country responsible for all past, present and future terrorist acts of the grouplet. It added that terrorist actions of the MKO against Iranians and their being an agent of the Saddam regime and killing thousands of innocent people and officials is not an issue to be forgotten by the world public opinion. 'US government, with this move, actually and officially made itself a partner and supporter of criminal acts of the grouplet,' added the statement./end