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Mon, 04/08/2013 - 07:53
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Iran MP Underlines Need To Continue Talks With 5+1

Tehran, April 8, IRNA – Senior Iranian parliamentarian Alaeddin Broujerdi said talks with the 5+1 is fruitful and should be continued. Broujerdi who is head of National Security and Foreign Policy commission of Majlis, made the remarks here on Sunday while talking to reporters at the sideline of the parliament’s first session in the new Iranian year (started March 21, 2013). He said there is no way possible to achieve a favorable result in the talks other than lifting the unfair and illegal sanctions imposed on Iran by the West. He said Iran might indulge in uranium enrichment even to degrees over 20 percent at certain occasions to meet the country’s needs. Stressing that uranium enrichment will never be ceased in Iran, he said article 4 of Non-Proliferation Treaty states that all members have right to enrich uranium. However, he added, Iran is the one to decide to what degree it does the enrichment activities. He also stated that Iran will keep enhancing safety in its Fordo facilities, adding that due to enemies frequent threats, the plantˈs equipment should be made safer. He said during the latest round of talks with the 5+1 in Almaty, Iran suggested that its nuclear rights, as stated in the NPT’s article 4, should be officially recognized. The suggestion was neither rejected nor admitted by the other party, he added. The MP noted that the European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Aston is to contact Iran’s Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council Saeed Jalili to discuss the date and venue of the next round of talks. Commenting on killing of an Iranian citizen by a drunk Saudi Arabian diplomat in Tehran in a car crash, he said the diplomat faces double charges as he was also carrying alcoholic drinks inside his car while driving drunk. Based on police tests, he added, the diplomat was drunk when the car accident took place which is against both Iranian and international driving laws. He said the diplomat was banned from leaving Iran before the case is settled and the rights of the victim’s family are materialized. Broujerdi also noted that a fact-finding committee is dispatched to Saudi Arabia to investigate the killing of two Iranian pilgrims in Jeddah airport, saying that the Majlis’ National Security and Foreign Policy Commission is following the case to stop its recurrence./end