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Sat, 01/19/2013 - 08:40
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Khatami: Ahmadinejad's Presence In Parliament, Positive Move

Tehran, Jan 19, IRNA – Provisional Friday Prayer Leader of Tehran Hojjatoleslam Ahmad Khatami said here Friday that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's presence in the Majlis on Wednesday was among the positive moves of his entire tenure. Addressing thousands of Tehrani worshippers in the second sermon of this week's capital city Friday Prayers at central campus of University of Tehran, Khatami further noted that solving the people's problems would be not possible unless the heads of the three branches of power would effectively harmonize with one another, using a friendly literature. Referring to the high inflation rate and skyrocketing prices, Khatami reiterated, 'The people wand the system to solve their problems and this objective cannot be achieved unless the heads of the three branches of power would work amicably together in one direction.' Hojjatoleslam Khatami emphasized that harmony among the system's top officials would lead to high productivity and solving the people's problems, expressing hope that both the outgoing government and the entire future governments would move in that direction. This member of the Leadership Experts Assembly reiterated, 'The people are annoyed of the quarrels among the officials which have been broadcasted on mass media, and therefore this type of interactions must continue.' *** It is highly stinging to say these and not heads of sedition Elsewhere in his second sermon the prominent cleric said, 'After the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution the Americans resorted to all types of pots against the revolution; there was the war among the ethnic minorities, the (Iraqi) imposed war, the blind terrors, coup attempts, and dozens of other US-led plots against the Islamic Revolution, but the revolution always emerged victoriously and proudly, not suffering the slightest bit.' The people's representative at the Leadership Experts Assembly noting that the 2009 post presidential election sedition was one of those plots, reiterated, 'That sedition was dictated from abroad and implemented inside Iran, which led to the presence of the people at the scene which dismantled the plot.' The provisional Friday Prayers leader of Tehran added, 'After the December 29th Epic (in which the mobilization Basij forces renewed alliance with the Supreme Leader) I had felt there were no longer nay need to speak I this respect, but in the course of the past couple of weeks we were encountered with some analyses that made us feel if we would not speak about the matter the people who created the December 29th Epic might become indebted and the heads of sedition might demand compensation.' Hojjatoleslam Khatami reiterated, 'It is very stinging that barely three years after the December 29th Epic, which save the revolution at a rough turning point some people would argue that those people were not the heads of the sedition.' Pointing out that he does not intend to enter the details about the matter, he added, 'I declare in advance that opining is free in this country and we are not going to declare that everyone must think the way we do; we believe enjoy freedom of expression in this country and a personality might say something against our ideas, but we confirm that personality's greatness and probably our warning, too, is aimed at preserving his greatness.' Khatami noted that there are some expressed ideas whose toleration is beyond the limit of 'this little scholar', reiterating, 'It is very wrong for someone to say that the heads of sedition were noble, respectable, gracious, and pious believers.' *** Dust was blinding the eyes in atmosphere of sedition Referring to the comments made by the Supreme Leader of the revolution, the provisional Friday Prayers leader of Tehran said, 'Sedition is the stepping forth of some people with acceptable appearances, who would behind their masks be pursuing the objectives of the enemies, and to raise dust in the atmosphere to blind the eyes of the spectators.' Khatami further stressing to the dusty atmosphere in the course of the 2009 sedition, added, 'I do not believe that anyone who came to the streets on those days (and demonstrated) was an enemy. Some people were leading the process and presenting a distorted image of the atmosphere (to the public).' He reiterated, 'I read in an article that in the course of the 2009 sedition 33 lies were told, cheating (in the presidential election) was just one of them; the entire Americans and heads of the other oppressor countries supported it, but they themselves, too, confirmed that they had no documents to prove the occurrence of cheating and that they just intended to intrigue unrest among the people.' The provisional Friday preacher of Tehran referring to the accusation of sexual abuse of the prisoner by one of the heads of sedition, adding, 'The person who told that lie very well served the interests of the enemies, but he never managed to prove the authenticity of that claim, which was a very heavy accusation against the system.' Khatami further elaborated, 'They also said that (the disciplinary forces) have arrested a young girl and tortured her, then burned her dead corpse and after that they held a memorial service for her and one of the heads of sedition went to (Tehran's) Behesht-e Zahra Cemetery and cried crocodile tears, but later on that girl attended a TV interview and expressed surprise over the event.' *** It is amazing for me that some people say these are not sedition heads The Friday preacher of Tehran this week added, 'Any of these lies sufficed for the heads of sedition feel ashamed and tilt down their heads in sorrow for good, and therefore it is amazing for me that some people say these are not sedition heads.' He referred to the instrumental usage of the people by the heads of sedition, adding, 'Thirst for power made them set ablaze the capitals of this nation and then they consider themselves as the symbols of the nation.' Khatami said, 'Annulment of the elections would have been a negative initiation that the seditionists were emphasizing it must have been done, which some of them who had once been at top system positions confessed later on that 11 million vote cheating was impossible. The definition presented by the Supreme Leader of sedition precisely matches the 2009 sedition.' The Friday preacher of Tehran this week reiterated, 'The Supreme Leader of revolution stressed at the time that if some people would intend to trample upon laws, either intended, or unintended, they would be responsible for the resulting aggressions, chaotic conditions, and bloodshed. He elaborated, 'In the course of eight months of the sedition period a number of people, particularly young citizens, got killed and wounded, rioting occurred, there was unrest in the country, mosques were attacked and Lowlagar Mosque was set ablaze, the mourners of Imam Hussain were invaded, and the streets of Tehran were turned to battle fields, and these were some other moves made by the seditionists.' Referring to turning religious occasions to opportunities for launching anti-system rallies, he reiterated, 'The Qods Day on November 3rd and the University Student Day on December 6th were used for chanting slogans against the system and its officials when anti-US slogans were chanted normally, and breaching the ugliness of establishing ties with the aliens were among the other moves made by the seditionists.' Khatami reminded the worshippers of the Zionist premier (Benjamin) Netanyahu on those days, when he had said according to him, 'These are the capitals of Israel in Iran and they are praiseworthy' reiterating, 'The (Iranian) interior minister at the time had announced that the seditionists' most contacts were with the British Embassy and one of the Farsi speaking members of the embassy who was arrested, too, had confessed that the British Embassy had openly entered the course of the sedition.' He reiterated, 'The entire anti-system grouplets, the homeless imperialists, the murderer hypocrites (MKO), the communists, the dancers, the alienated individuals and the fugitives from this nation, all took guards against the Islamic Revolution.' Khatami said, 'About the miserable, wretched homeless abroad, who are so worthless that I do not even want to refer to them, some of the seditionists said that if we are abroad, we, too, would have staged rallies in favor of holding free elections, I tell them, beware! All of you are so much disliked by this nation that whatever you would say this nation would do its opposite.' He added, 'The Leader of the Revolution said those who would not abide by the laws share the crime of these events; now I ask some of these dear friends, despite all these facts you have doubts whether these are the heads of sedition, or not?' The Tehran Friday preacher reiterated, 'If we would not have noticed that clearing the criminal files of the seditionists has become a trend, if I had not felt the threat that you people would one day become indebted, I would not have ever spoken about these matters from this altar.' He emphasized, 'I resolutely announce that you (people) would have acted properly and enter the scene equipped with proper insight.' *** United States and its allies dispatch terrorists to Syria with their money The Friday Prayer leader of Tehran referring to the cruel massacre of the Muslims in Pakistan, Iraq and other parts of the world which grips the hearts with sorrow, said, 'Who commits those crimes? The answer is clear; they are the ones that the Americans are spending money on them in Syria to murder the Muslims, who are the ones that accuse the others of disbelief.' He pointed out that the Americans are telling lies when they claim they are engaged in campaign against the terrorists, adding, 'America nurtures terrorists traditionally and dispatches them with US money and to Syria to create more crimes.' Hojjatoleslam Khatami referring to the involvement of the treacherous Arab reactionary leaders in the massacre of the Muslims said, 'They themselves know the amount of money they are investing at the scene of massacring the Muslims and sowing discord (among the followers of the Islamic schools of thought).' He condoled with the bereaved family members of the recent terrorist acts in Pakistan and Iraq, reiterated addressing them, 'Resist, God willing you would be victorious and we pray to God for the annihilation of the enemies of Islam and the Muslims.' *** Shi'a and Sunni folks! Beware in confrontation with enemies of Islam The provisional Friday Prayers imam of Tehran congratulating the Unity Week at the threshold of its beginning, said, 'Unity means coalition and that we have enemies that confront Islam and for them Shi'a and Sunni make no difference; in the southern parts of Lebanon they fight against the Shi'as and in Gaza they fight against the Sunnis.' Hojjatoleslam Khatami added, 'This proves that we are faced with notorious enemies who are opposed with the entirety of Islam and worried about the Islamic uprising, which is why unity and alertness of both Shi'a and Sunni Muslims against the enmity of the notorious enemies is a necessity today.' He emphasized, 'Neither the Shi'as nor the Sunnis should allow the outsiders to sow the seeds of discord among the Muslims.' *** Inviting the people to attend the celebrations marking the victory of the Islamic Revolution Khatami referred to the upcoming Presidential Election in five months and the 34th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in about a month, saying, 'We expect the epic maker people to attend the February 10th celebrations, as that was the glorious day when this revolution gained victory, and likewise to be present at the Presidential Election polls in the spring of 2013. The Friday preacher of Tehran reiterated, 'It is unprecedented in the history of the revolutions of the world that before the passage of 50 days from the victory of the revolution the people would go to the election polls, but it happened in case of the Islamic Revolution. From then on over 30 glorious elections have been held, legally, on time, healthy, competitively, and free, and this is one of the characteristics of this revolution.' He emphasized, 'The pioneer in these fields was the Supreme Leader, who emphasized over the need for observing all of them.'/end