ID :
Thu, 05/16/2013 - 10:51
Auther :

Khazaei: Anti-Syria Resolution Endangers Regional Security

New York, May 16, IRNA -- Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mohammad Khazaei said approval of the US-backed anti-Syria resolution would increase the risk of crisis in the region. Khazaei made the remarks at the Wednesday meeting of the United Nations General Assembly which was held to vote on a draft resolution against the Syrian government. Khazaei said approving the anti-Syria resolution would undermine latest international efforts to find a peaceful solution for the ongoing crisis in Syria. He further expressed concerns about mounting sectarian conflicts and expansion of extremism in Syria. Khazaei further described operations underway in Syria by the armed opposition groups as a major threat to the regional security and stability. He urged the UN states to find a balanced and peaceful solution for the Syrian crisis. Representatives from a large number of world countries, including eastern Europe countries, Russia, South Africa, India and a number of Latin American states, opposed the US-backed anti-Syria resolution during UN General Assemblyˈs meeting on Wednesday. Further in his remarks, the Iranian envoy referred to a recent statement issued by the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) countries to condemn latest the Zionist regimeˈs attacks on Syria. Khazaei called on international bodies to launch close investigations on the strikes./end