ID :
Sun, 06/10/2012 - 07:48
Auther :

Majority Of US Scientists Back Iran N-program

Tehran, June 10, IRNA – US Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Peter Agra said on Saturday that US sanctions on Iran have failed and majority of American scientists support Iranian peaceful nuclear program. Accompanied by Norman Neureiter, Acting Director of US Center for Science, Technology, Professor Agra have come to Iran at the invitation of department of science and technology affiliated to the Presidential Office. He told a press conference that Iranian nuclear program is for peaceful purpose and said that many American scientists confirmed civilian nature of Iranian nuclear program. Professor Agra criticized the US sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program and said that such sanctions proved not working citing the sanctions on Cuba. "The sanctions are aiming to change the policy of the target nations, but, they never worked." He said that Iranian scientists working in the US are extraordinary in terms of acquiring science and technology and they never forget their home country. Asked about process of learning to become a scientist, he said that every scientist is a hero inspiring the youth. He said that the scientists must have influence on the government, whereas, the US administration is exerting influence on scientists. He deplored the environmental degradation as a result of the US industrial activities and said that the scientists must save the environment from deteriorating impacts of industry. He said that the progress made in science and technology must help the humanity lead propersous life, but, they have brought about sufferings for them. The negative impacts must be thwarted./end