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Tue, 12/05/2017 - 14:57
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Beijing /MONTSAME/ The Foreign Ministers of Mongolia and China exchanged views and reached agreement on a wide range of issues concerning bilateral relations, reported the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on December 4. Minister of Foreign Affairs D.Tsogtbaatar is paying an official visit to the country on December 3-5. Minister D.Tsogtbaatar and his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi issued a joint communique following their official talks in Beijing. The sides confirmed their mutual interests in developing friendly relations and cooperation, and to make efforts in order to advance the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries in all sectors. Mongolia and China reiterated their mutual commitment to the principles of the 1994 Treaty on Friendly Relations and Cooperation and other relevant documents and respect to each other’s independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and the chosen development path. The sides agreed to increase mutual visits and exchange on all levels and maintain the frequency of high-level visits and meetings next year. The sides agrees to closely cooperate on organizing the Second Meeting of the Mongolia-China Permanent Inter-parliamentary Exchange Mechanism, the 15th Meeting of the Mongolia-China Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic and Scientific and Technological Cooperation and the Third Meeting of the Mongolia-China Council on Cooperation in Minerals, Energy and Infrastructure next year. Mongolia and China agreed to increase the role of Strategic Dialogue Mechanism between the Foreign Ministries. Having expressed its readiness to continue to assist Mongolia through the economic difficulty, the Chinese side responded positively to Mongolia’s request to intensify the progress of projects and programs to be implemented with non-refundable aids and soft loans it granted and increase export of minerals, energy and meat products. FM D.Tsogtbaatar expressed Mongolia’s appreciation of the role Chinese aid plays in social and economic development in the country. As agreed by the leaders of the two countries, Mongolia and China will coordinate the Belt and Road initiative and Development Road strategy and launch a joint study on the establishment of a border cooperation zone and Free Trade Agreement. The sides agreed to move forward bilateral cooperation in traditional sectors such as mining and infrastructure development and strengthen cooperation in ger area re-planning and agriculture, fully utilizing the cooperation platform of Mongolia-China Expo. China pledged to continue to assist Mongolia in transit transport and help gain access to the sea whereas Mongolia will ensure policy stability and create favorable investment climate for Chinese and foreign investors. The sides also agreed to strengthen mutual understanding and trust and humanitarian exchange and active cooperation in culture, education, science, sport and tourism areas. The First Meeting of the Mongolia-China Joint Council on Humanitarian Exchange will be held within this year. The Chinese side expressed its support to Mongolia’s active participation in regional and international affairs and readiness to push forward projects within the Mongolia-China-Russia Economic Corridor program and make collaborative efforts for regional peace and development. FM D.Tsogtbaatar invited Minister Wang Yi to visit Mongolia at his convenience, and the invitation was well-received. On the same day, the Mongolian Foreign Minister met Yang Jiechi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and State Council, Jin Liqun, President of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and Wang Yajun, Assistant Minister of the International Liaison Department of the Central Committee of the CPC. Kh.Aminaa