ID :
Tue, 01/01/2013 - 11:21
Auther :

NAM Condemns Zionists Illegal Activities In Palestinian Occupied Lands

New York, Jan 1, IRNA – Member states of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), in a statement, condemned the expansion of Zionist regime's illegal settlement activities in the Palestinian occupied lands. The NAM member countries called on the UN Security Council to fulfill its commitments and halt such illegal activities which violate the international regulations. The Movement further said the Zionist regime is taking such illegal measures in retaliation for the UN General Assembly's move to upgrade the Palestinians status to "non-member state" last month. On November 29, the UN General Assembly voted in favor of upgrading the Palestinian status from observer entity to non-member observer state. NAM stressed that the Zionist regime's settlement expansion plan is against the international human rights regulations and also violates the Fourth Geneva Convention. The Movement then urged the Zionist regime to entirely halt its illegal activities in the occupied lands. The NAM statement was issued after being ratified by permanent representatives of member countries in a meeting chaired by Iran's Permanent Ambassador to the United Nations Mohammad Khazaee. The statement was officially circulated at the UN./end