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Mon, 10/01/2012 - 08:24
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Netanyahu has unnecessarily frightened Israeli citizens over Iran’s nuclear program: Kadima legislator

TEHRAN,Oct.1(MNA) – Kadima MK Meir Sheetrit on Sunday told Israel Radio that the Israeli government ought to let the United States deal with the Iranian issue, because Israel is too small to address it properly. Sheetrit said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak had unnecessarily frightened the Israeli public over Iran’s nuclear program. “Now, in his UN speech, Netanyahu said that at least a year will pass until the Iranians reach the point of endangering Israel. If so, then what purpose did the fervor serve?” Sheetrit said. Also in an interview with Der Spiegel published on Sunday, Jewish Congress President Ron Lauder raised the issue of the 2003 Iraq war, when most governments worldwide were certain that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, but afterwards it became evident that Iraq did not have such materiel. If they erred then, it is possible everyone is erring now, Israel Radio quoted Lauder as saying, the Times of Israel reported. Lauder’s comments came days after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a speech before the United Nations General Assembly calling on the international community to establish “red lines” on Iran’s nuclear program, such as development of a certain amount of weapons-grade uranium, after which international military action against the Islamic Republic would be agreed upon.