ID :
Sat, 05/12/2012 - 08:54
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Pakistan MP Lashes Out At US Hostile Policies On Iran

Islamabad, May 12, IRNA – A Pakistani parliamentarian on Friday lashed out at the US for its hostile policies towards Iran stressing that Iran’s right to peaceful nuclear technology must be respected. Talking to IRNA, Senator Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), said that US is following a double standard policy towards Iran. He added that Iran is only demanding its basic right of sovereignty as par the charter of the United Nations. The politician reiterated that Washington is trying to impose its policies over Iran. He was of the view that US is influencing the region by force to get the control of oil resources. He noted that Americans want to destabilize Iran by imposing sanctions and other tricks. “Because of the steadfastness of Iranian leaders, the Islamic Republic of Iran is progressing in all fields,” said the political leader, adding that today Iran has achieved the status of a respectable nation. On Iran-5+1 nuclear talks, he said the resumption of talks is a victory for the Islamic Republic. The political leader urged the West to respect Iran’s nuclear right. He added that Iran is a peaceful country and wants to solve all issues with the West through dialog. The Iranian people love peace and are only demanding their legal right, he noted. The legislator said except US and Israel all world countries are accepting Iran’s right to peaceful nuclear technology. He said that US-Israel nexus is the cause of many problems in the world. “Jewish lobby in US is influencing the American foreign policy,” the politician opined. He said that the unity between Iran’s Supreme Leader, the Iranian government and people has made the Islamic Republic strong. “Their success lies in unity,” said the political leader./end